If it helps to say, this page hosts an ongoing making of a sandwich of spoken work, image gallery, and written notes, on the relational histories of premodern bestiaries ('ajayeb al makhlughat, in Farsi/Arabic: عجایب نامه/عجایبالمخلوقات). In short
, has become a term that is used here inclusively to examine a living and nonliving 'historical site,' a 'heritage web' in order to learn/talk/speculate about what counts as writing technologies in Western Asia. (
Sina Seifee
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Aja'ib al-makhluqat wa ghara'ib al-mawjudat
کج معوج شده
Avital Ronell
the interwoven data recovered from the study of systemic and functional aspects of the broken organism
Manuel DeLanda
Martha Kenney
modes of existence
Jason Mohaghegh
Abu-Muhammad Muslih al-Din bin Abdallah Saadi Shirazi
self preservation
Three Little Pigs
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