hopeful monsters
the *outcast* (in the evolving collective sensibility of naturalists)
monsters flourish in the absence of definitive sources ==> passionate crafts of imagination (omnivorous, unorthodox, compelling, , ,)
monstrous consciousness
category-crossing (=/= neat categories) –> wonder ==> fortified textures of scientific experience ==mixed==> evil, beauty, complexity, forces of liberation, etc.
emblematizes the history and philosophy of the biological sciences + their relation to difference & different bodies
==>{ science = de-monstrate ~= credible witnessing ==> truth }
(the outcast {the exile, shadow, animal, contagion, machine,,,}) has no anxiety of ontological authenticity ——> they are impersonal nameless metamorphosing creatures
their game: riddle (new gambles) ~= confrontation with the unnambale ——Derrida——> means of thinking otherwise, “monster: species of nonspecies” [interest in sites of otherworldliness] ——> ‘more’ & ‘other’ [=/= ‘with’ & ‘of’]
*on Levinas
Levinas’s concept of otherness ——> its theoretical production is articulated from the ditch of the historical self in modernity (part of the Western philosophical tradition) […] entrenched within an enlightenment discourse that cannot conceive of a self without mediation through a formulated Other =/= *otherless subjectivity*
-Levinas’s principle goal is to repair the totalitarian self and not to explore the otherworldly powers of the Other ——proving——> ***something that might fix the master***
==> self is to be redeemed by otherness, made well by otherness, made sane by otherness ==Mohaghegh==> the Other is never entitled to just walk away and seek its own external dominion
the Other possesses (the talent of) infinity ==> the Other’s responsibility is to dispense that infinity ==> ethics (not permitting the Other leaving the situation)
***why is the Other never allowed the right to isolation, solitude, hermeticism, anticommunalism, or misanthropy?***
Levinas’s ‘an atheism that is not humanist’: the exaltation of an obedience and a faithfulness that are not obedience or faithfulness to anyone
(like Mohaghegh) it has become frustrating for me to chase these sublime phantoms (of the impossible, the unthinkable, the unknowable ~= the parasite) drifting into incessant negative theologies… ——?——> self always sees itself as that which it is not =/= (ontological differential of) the earthly dehumanized Eastern subject, the one with a staunch existential verifiability, the one whose trachea or fingertips might be severed by five bullets around the corner, the one who plays with mortal stakes and states of emergency on daily basis, the one of famine, war, or occupation
[about demand: Lacan argues that “demand constitutes the Other as already possessing the ‘privilege’ of satisfying needs,” and that indeed the child’s biological needs are themselves altered by “the condition that is imposed on him by the existence of the discourse, to make his need pass through the defiles of the signifier.” … The subject has never done anything other than demand (since infancy!)]
{liberalism: humanism, and idealism had become moral and political expectations of the secular education projects}——> [*]humanism: what could reach, reveal, and cultivate the *proper and ethical* humanum of man ==> [*]man: irreducible, perfectible bearer and guarantor of dignity, equality, and freedom
(Freud Levinas)
not yet guilty, an almost predisposition, an almost inclination toward being guilty, an openness to being guilty (——>? Seba’s notion of ‘Schuld’ [~= debt, the obligation to pay or do something]) ~-> super-egoic formation (~=? that which we call “raising awareness”)
Trauma is structuring***
(to be noted that the concern of super-egoic formation rests on the structuring of ‘demand,’ which is not the being of ‘question’ that it wants to be. question is risky and consequential of new articulation)