
hopeful monsters
the *outcast* (in the evolving collective sensibility of naturalists)

monsters flourish in the absence of definitive sources ==> passionate crafts of imagination (omnivorous, unorthodox, compelling, , ,)

animal, category, crossing, Derrida, Mohaghegh, monster, Other, science, wonder,

monstrous consciousness

category-crossing (=/= neat categories) –> wonder ==> fortified textures of scientific experience ==mixed==> evil, beauty, complexity, forces of liberation, etc.

emblematizes the history and philosophy of the biological sciences + their relation to difference & different bodies
==>{ science = de-monstrate ~= credible witnessing ==> truth }

(the outcast {the exile, shadow, animal, contagion, machine,,,}) has no anxiety of ontological authenticity ——> they are impersonal nameless metamorphosing creatures
their game: riddle (new gambles) ~= confrontation with the unnambale ——Derrida——> means of thinking otherwise, “monster: species of nonspecies” [interest in sites of otherworldliness] ——> ‘more’ & ‘other’ [=/= ‘with’ & ‘of’]

(Derrida’s) mode of enunciation and the literary vehicle entrusted with its exemplification:
*[]it is sufficient to introduce, into the fold of speech acts, a few wolves of the type (“undecidability” or “unconscious”) for the shepherd to lose track of his sheep: one is no longer certain where to find the identity of the “speaker” or the “hearer,” … where to find the identity of an intention.*

what would mean for the German shepherd to lose track of his sheeps? (to go from) the fable of *the oriented sheepfold* ——to——> the fable of *losing count*]

the vexed relation between sheep and wolf, slave and master

wolf in sheep’s clothing [——> also the problem/fantasy of the “integration” project (as the space of ethics and politics)~~>(“Appearances are deceptive” ==> exclusion of the parasite + identification of subjects as the task of responsibility)